Current Honors Scholars

Get to know some of our current Honors scholars, then see where some of our excellent students end up: 荣誉校友故事.

艾萨克狡猾的, Class of 2024


“The 荣誉项目 has been a great opportunity for me to learn in a community of others who also love learning. Starting with the honors retreat and continuing with the 伟大的著作 courses and Honors Teas, I have been given many opportunities to discuss literature, 戏剧, and ideas with my fellow honors students. Being in the 荣誉项目 has challenged me to think deeper about the world around me and to form intelligent ideas.”

索菲娅的边锋, Class of 2024


“The 荣誉项目 is a valuable endeavor, and I encourage all prospective 乌鸦s to apply. Not only does the 荣誉项目 invite you to examine the 为什么 behind the most difficult questions in life, but to do so within a strong community of other dedicated students. The communication and critical thinking skills that are honed in the Program, as well as the lifelong friends you'll make, are a powerful asset to all future employments and research opportunities.”

理查德·埃尔南德斯, Class of 2024


“The honors faculty have been the highlight of my experience in the 荣誉项目. Not only are they great scholars, but they are also strong Catholics. They truly care about forming the whole person—both mind and soul. In their classes, these professors push students to strive for excellence and virtue.”

利亚解决, Class of 2023


“The 荣誉项目 has provided a wonderful foundation for my Benedictine experience.  The Program has pushed me to go further in my courses and seek full appreciation of the caliber of education here at Benedictine.  I have been so blessed to have support in pursuing my research project under the guidance of professors who have genuine interest for my passions and as a part of a community of students who support each other both inside and outside of the classroom.”

凯特Kirstein, Class of 2023


“The Benedictine College 荣誉项目 has given me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and walk confidently into a place of fellowship and academic rigor with both the preparation and the necessary aid that will allow me to not only succeed but also thrive. Through advanced classes and guest speakers, there has been instilled in me a new passion for learning outside of my interests and a curiosity about what else there is to discover.”

Coley O’Connor, Class of 2023


“The 荣誉项目 has provided me with a community since the minute I stepped on campus through the Honors Retreat. These relationships prospered through regular gatherings, such as Honors Teas and intramural sports. 在学业上, students in the program are challenged by the 伟大的著作 courses and specialized courses taught by chosen professors. These classes are not just academically challenging — they are meant to form the whole person and do so effectively.”

玛丽安娜赖斯, Class of 2022


“The 荣誉项目 has been a home to me throughout college where I can go for personal and academic advice and support.  The discussion-based style adds depth to the classes, helping me to become a more fully formed person while also strengthening my relationships with my fellow students. This program has given me some of my closest friends, and I cannot recommend it highly enough!”

约翰Morran, Class of 2022


“The 荣誉项目 at Benedictine has been the foundation for my college experience, starting from the very first day of my freshmen year with the retreat. The friends I made that week remain the core of my friend group to this day. The honors classes have also been some of my favorites, being both challenging but also incredibly enjoyable and interesting. I've been exposed to so many people outside of my major that I never would have met or gotten to listen to and learn from otherwise.”
